Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley, 968 Postal Road, Suite 100 Allentown PA 18109, 610-807-0336, vc@volunteerlv.org
Opportunity Details
The Allentown YMCA has a licensed childcare center located at the 425 South 15th Street, Allentown, facility. The childcare center is continually looking for opportunities to create community partnerships and enhance quality.
A goal is to be able to find a community volunteer to teach simple, basic sign language to the infants, toddlers and preschoolers in our program. We have 7 classrooms and would like to spend about 5-10 minutes in each classroom, one time weekly. This would equate to about a 1-1.25 hour comittment weekly. Target time for instruction is between 9:00-11:30AM. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to us!
Age Minimum (with Adult): 16+, Minimum Age:16+
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Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity:
Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley, 968 Postal Road, Suite 100 Allentown PA 18109, 610-807-0336, vc@volunteerlv.org
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