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GivingTuesday Announces Day of Global Action for Giving and Unity in Response to COVID-19

May 5, 2020


The Volunteer Center exists to connect our community through volunteers, resources and efficient mobilization.  We have been at the forefront with other leaders in our community working to navigate the ever changing demands and needs of our nonprofit community. 

We are asking you to partner with us in this very important time in our community. Giving Tuesday Now is your opportunity to help us as we continue to mobilize and pivot our resources and focus to support the front-line responders who look to the Volunteer Center for our services. 

  The Volunteer Center's Immediate Response to COVID-19

Launched our COVID-19 Resource Page on our website on March 16th.

Partnered with LVEDC and Lehigh & Northampton County to host a PPE Need Site and Location for supplies.

Shifted our "Volunteer Needs" to be specific to response needs for COVID-19  & created a database of active volunteers for direct outreach. Sign up to join our database of volunteers.

Created a "Supplies Needed" portal for the nonprofits to identify their immediate needs.

The Volunteer Center's Supply Distribution

Coordinated distribution of hand sanitizer from Eight Oaks Distillery with Second Harvest Food Bank  directly to front line nonprofit organizations.

Connected with Mask Force 2020, a grass roots group of “sewers”  to distribute 3,000 masks to local nonprofits.


Pivoting / Looking Forward Through The Covid-19 Lens

Partnered with Think Good Leadership in a Professional Development Series- "The New Normal" - more programming to come

Hosted our Breakfast "with" Champions 2020 Virtually-  Capturing and sharing stories of the nonprofits and their amazing volunteers - Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin.

Created a "Skills Needed"/ Virtual Volunteering program

Reshaped our Youth Leadership Program for 2020 to include Virtual progamming and online leadership segments to engage our youth.

Icons made by photo3idea_studio, and srip from www.flaticon.com




Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley, 968 Postal Road, Suite 100 Allentown PA 18109, 610-807-0336, vc@volunteerlv.org

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